Saturday, October 31, 2009

In India!!!!

Yeah! Made it to New Delhi now. Was greeted with a loving smile by Nirmala my Swedish Indian friend.. She picked me up at the airport and we are now having corn on the cob :-) not so Indian but very sweet and good corn for my belly so I stay healthy for the train ride I will be taking shortly in a few hours. More indian than I though, according to Nirmala it is very common street food just to eat corn :-)

As soon as I landed I could smell India. It is a particular smell, sound and energy is so strong and welcoming to me as I love it here. The flight was relaxed slept most of it and chatted some with a lovely lady from Washington. It amazes me how many loving souls are out there that just wanting to connect and share their love. She was kind and her warmth felt by me as she nurtured me with some medicine to unclog my nose and chest. I have still not recovered completely from the bronchitis.

Nirmala and I will probably spend the evening catching up as I only have a few hours with her and then off on the road again at 6am to continue the journey to Rishikesh.

I am here and safe love all of you. Jasmine

Friday, October 30, 2009


On the airplane to india... The American Airline fight attendants are all dresses up for Halloween in big hats..They are in a good mood so I get the feeling it will be a relaxed flight. I am sleep but will try to stay awake so that my clock is right when I get there. The flight to New Delhi is aprox 14:30 hrs today local time in Delhi is 6:24am. They are just starting their day and it is plesant temp of 12c.

Well I am off they closed door....

All nighter..

Stayed up all night packing and finishing up all pending items that needed to be attended to for the next 3 months. I feel at peace knowing I did as much as I could and that from this point on the journey is all about self exploration.

I leave for Chicago in a few hours with a layover there and then a direct flight to New Delhi. I will land in India on Oct 31st 08:45pm and then on the morning of Nov 1st take the train to Haridwar followed by the bus to Rishikesh. It will not be until late afternoon or early evening of Nov 1st that reach I my first destination .

I will be staying at Parmarath Niketan Ashram where I will be under going Kundalini Yoga training with Gurmukh from Goldebridge yoga This training is intensive and my daily schedule will be quite disciplined with an early rising routine every morning. A typical day will look like:

4:00AM – 6:00AM MORNING SADHANA (Meditation)
6:00AM – 7:00AM TEA BREAK
7:00AM – 8:00AM YOGA
8:30AM -12:30PM CLASS TIME
12:30 PM – 1:30PM LUNCH
1:30PM – 5:00PM CLASS TIME
5:00PM – 5:30PM TEA TIME
7:30PM -8:00 PM DINNER

I am thrilled at the thought of waking up early in the morning while majority of the people are still sleeping. I will be able to observe the silence and meditate with a deep sense of peace. I can already imagine the crisp air in the mountains and the early morning wind. I see myself seated in sukh asana (legs folded in front of me) covered in a woolen shawl fighting the first day to stay alert and awake. I am ready to begin this journey of discipline and rigor…

To read more about Rishikesh go to


Thursday, October 29, 2009

T-Minus 18hrs and counting.

Getting ready for the trip. Anxious, nervous, excited.

Here we go!

The shirpas have their job cut out for them...

Who said my bagpack was small?

Anybody in there?